Unlocking your wealth potential with Highspire Capital

We understand that the path to financial freedom and wealth isn't limited to the construction industry alone. That's why we've created Highspire Capital, an essential component of our comprehensive program designed to help you reach new heights of financial success.

Highspire Capital serves as your gateway to a world of investment opportunities, financial growth, and wealth expansion.

Enroll Today
Enroll Today

Investment opportunity

As a qualified member who has mastered our program, you have exclusive access to Highspire Capital to leverage your retained earnings for further financial growth. Our team of seasoned experts evaluates projects, providing you with the potential to accelerate your wealth-building journey.

Our founders bring a wealth of experience and proven track record


in created value


PROjects in total


in development pipeline


doors under management

Upper Harbour Property
Victoria, B.C.
GMC Projects
884 Lampson
LIDA Construction
900 Esquimalt
gmc projects
June on SLU
Seattle, wa
Brixton Flats
vancouver, B.C.
gmc projects
seattle, wa
cadence Builds

Behind-the-scenes access

Gain exclusive access to Highspire Capital's inner workings, offering you a rare glimpse into the world of real estate investments. Participate in our investment deals, learn from industry professionals, and expand your knowledge of financial planning within the constraints of your risk management plan.

Annual objective

In 2024, we will begin underwriting deals that align with our investment criteria. We are committed to a transformative experience for your future.


My company is already finely tuned and entirely self managed with a leadership team. When can we talk about real estate investment?

We will begin discussing real estate investment when you start the program. We enthusiastically operate under the assumption that owners should learn about real estate investment as soon as possible.

My company isn’t quite ready to move into real estate investment. How much time will we spend talking about construction company operations?

The program is designed to set up your construction company to being well on its way to self management before you enter the level II program involving real estate investment and development.  Please reach out to us for further information.

What is your process for helping Our Construction Company Transition to becoming fully Self-Managed?

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Annual Review & Strategic Planning

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Unlock your wealth potential

$2000 per month


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